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2.国家自然科学基金青年项目(参与):丝裂霉素通过调节 lncRNA-ATB 作用于相关miRNA 及其下游靶基因抑制食管ESD 术后狭窄的实验研究。2018.01.01—2020.12.31,已结题;

3.常州市卫计委指导性项目(主持):维生素 D 受体调节肝细胞和肝星状细胞之间的自噬平衡缓解肝纤维化的机制研究,2016.01.01—2018.12.31,已结题;

4.南京医科大学科技发展基金(主持):热休克蛋白70 对肝星状细胞活化的调控作用和机制 2020.01.01—2021.12.31 ,已结题。




     1.He W, Ni W,  Zhao J (第一作者).Enterococcus faecium alleviates gut barrier Injury in C57BL/6 Mice with dextran sulfate sodium-induced ulcerative colitis.2021 Nov 25;2021:2683465.doi: 10.1155/2021/2683465.

     2.He W, Ni W, Zhao L, Wang X, Liu L, Fan Z (第一作者).MicroRNA- 125a/VDR axis impaired autophagic flux and contributed to fibrosis in a CCL4-induced mouse model and patients with liver cirrhosis. 2021 Jan 1;264:118666.doi:10. 1016/j.lfs.2020. 118666.

     3.Xu J,He W(共同第一作者),Zhang N, Sang N, Zhao J.Risk factors and correlation of colorectal polyps with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Ann Palliat Med. 2022 Feb;11(2):647-654.doi: 10.21037/apm-21-3943.

     4.He W, Guo H, Ni W, Fan Z(第一作者) . Glucagon-like peptide- 1 analog protects proximal tubules injury from lysosomal dysfunction and impaired autophagic ux . 2019;9 (8):940-948.

     5.He W, Zhang A,Qi L, Na C,Jiang R, Fan Z, Chen J (第一作者). FOXO1, a potential therapeutic target, regulates autophagic flux, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and apoptosis in human cholangiocarcinoma QBC939 cells.Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry,2018;45:1506-1514.

     6.余文琴,龚丽媛,何伟 (通信作者) 。Stroop 色词测验在轻微肝性脑病患者应用的初步研究,中华全科医师杂志,2017, 16 (11):872-875。

     7. Zhang Aiqing, He Wei,Shi Huimin, Huang Xiaodan,Ji Guozhong(共同第一作者) .Natural compound oblongifolin C inhibits autophagic flux, and inducesapoptosis and mitochondrial dysfunction in human cholangiocarcinoma QBC939 cells.Mol Med Rep.2016 Oct;14(4) : 3179-83.

     8. He W, Zhuang Y, Wang L, Qi L, Chen B, Wang M, Shao D, Chen J. (第一作者) .Geranylgeranylacetone attenuates hepatic fibrosis by increasing the expression of heat shock protein 70. Mol Med Rep, 2015 Oct;12(4):4895-4900.

     9. He W, Wang B, Yang J, Zhuang Y, Wang L, Huang X, Chen J(第一作者).Chloroquine improved carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis through itsinhibition of the activation of hepatic stellate cells: Role of autophagy. Biol Pharm Bull, 2014;37:1505-1509.

     10.He W, Wang B, Zhuang Y, Shao D, Sun K, Chen J*.(第一作者). Berberine Inhibits Growth and Induces G1 Arrest and Apoptosis in Human Cholangiocarcinoma  QBC939 Cells. J Pharmacol Sci. 2012, 119: 341-348.

     11.王玫,何伟,陈建平。炎症性肠病患者小肠上皮中维生素 D 受体与自噬流受损的相关性分析。中华炎性肠病杂志,2020,4(2):139-141。




2021年 江苏省第六期“333工程” 第三层次培养对象